Patricia Fox discovered yoga at the age of 45. The study has become a passion and a way of life. She has studied exclusively with Iyengar Yoga teachers, and has been to Pune, India to study with the Iyengar family regularly.

She has been teaching yoga since 1997 and opened her own studio, Featherlane, in 2006 in the 'quietside' island town of Bass Harbor, Maine. It suits her well... a small, friendly, well-equipped space with vaulted ceiling, many windows, and a wonderful floor.

Drawing heavily on her own practice, and the work of her favorite teacher, Ramanand Patel, her classes are sensitive to the individual needs of the students; the sequences can be stimulating, relaxing, and challenging, and definitely open up new vistas.

Patricia has been practicing Polarity Therapy since 2001. She studied in New York with Energy Arts and has RPP certification.

More recently she has been studying structural integration work... a bodywork pioneered by Ida Rolf; her teacher is Thomas Myers, and she became a certified ATSI (Anatomy Trained Structural Integration) practitioner as of 2008. She is a board certified member of IASI, the International Association of Structural Integrators.

Currently Patricia is doing further studies in Visceral Manipulation and Peripheral Nerve and Joint work with the Barral Institute, and Crainiosacral Therapy with the Upledger Institute. For information on this work go to

The mother of two daughters, Patricia has three grandsons. She is an avid hiker, and loves to grow food and cook. She appreciates the closeness to nature that life on Mt. Desert Island offers.