Polarity Therapy is a healing art, using hands on bodywork, energetic listening skills, and verbal work, as well as nutritional and lifestyle education to help clients take charge of their own health.

The session usually lasts 60-90 minutes; some or all of the time the client is on a massage table. The therapist 'listens' with the hands, tuning into the client's rhythms and noticing the energy patterns underlying the physical form. Subtle input is used to help the clients system change in ways that lead to health.

The physical sensation of a polarity session is similar to massage; it can be both relaxing and stimulating. The most dramatic difference between polarity therapy and massage work comes from the focus and intention of the therapist and the relationship between client and therapist: polarity therapy never feels systematized or rote...each session is a totally unique experience.

Polarity work can be a useful tool for managing stress, and side-stepping the advent of disease, and it can help bring about needed change.

For more information about Dr. Randolf Stone's polarity therapy, go to

Structural integration work is a series of bodywork sessions which systematically arranges the fascia so that the end result functions more easily with gravity.

"When you get span in a body, you get tone; when you get tone you get span. Span is a spatial thing: tone is physiological. Both words refer to balanced structures in a living body. Both tone and span indicate a readiness to act and respond that is the touchstone of a heathy body." Ida Rolf

ATSI (Anatomy Trained Structural Integration) work is done in a series of 12 sessions and uses the myofascial meridians concept of Thomas Myers.

For more information go to

BARRAL work uses specific and delicate listening techniques of Osteopathy and Craniosacral Therapy and the precise tools of Visceral Manipulation and Nerve and Artery Mobilization to nudge the body in the direction of health. For more information to go:

The cabin is now open for bodywork (MASKS AND IMMUNIZATION REQUIRED). Email or text 207-664-8050. Appointments are limited to one hour $60. Structural Integration Sessions are 90 min and cost $90. Cash, check, or Paypal.